What are EL Classes?

Our classes are run by therapists, teachers and/or Allied Health Assistants (AHAs) for children ranging in age  2-10 years old.

We will be offering a range of classes throughout the year with class programs regularly updated after child and family feedback, and may be repeated throughout the year.

What are the benefits to my child?

At Enhancing Learning we have had considerable success with supporting children's development through our classes. Children need a range of experiences with their peers in a supported environment to develop and consolidate skills.

Research tells us that children benefit from peer-modelling and that it can support the learning of new skills. Classes give your child the chance to make new friends, and feel supported by knowing other children are working on the same skills, or experiencing similar difficulties. 

What are the benefits to me?

Our classes provide a great opportunity for family members to learn the strategies and activities used by our therapy team to support your child.  We see improved development when a child is given the opportunity to strengthen their skills in their every day life rather than once a week. 

The Enhancing Learning classes have also become a great place to meet the caregivers of other class members and build your network of support.