The Team
We are a small family business started by sisters Anthea, Kendra and Sharna. Based in Mandurah, Western Australia we provide support to families through our unique fusion of education and therapy. We provide workshops to develop adults' understanding and support of children who are learning differently. We also offer professional development opportunities for teachers and educators.
Our Speech Pathologists
Kendra Bell-Hayes, Nicole Hanson, Kara Breitenbach
Our Occupational Therapists
Marnie Ricciardi
Our Physiotherapist
Nikki Orlandi
Our Teachers
Anthea Abbott, Sharna Marshall, Glen Webber
Our Assistants
Mel Taylor, Dee Franklin, Terri Hodder, Willow Hanson, Sarah Garnaut
Our Approach
Nurturing Children's Skills and Learning
Enhancing Learning uses the following process to support children in our centre and to educate adults on how to best support children to make progress in skills and learning.
THE WHAT: We work with families to determine where a child's skills have developed and to identify the next skill in the developmental sequences they need to learn.
THE HOW: Selecting the best possible way to teach the skill needed using current evidence AND adapting our teaching strategies new evidence emerges.
THE HELP: We use our Turn on Learning Framework to identify what support the child's learning system needs to make learning easier and more effective.
THE ENGAGEMENT: We love pretend play, loose parts and giving children agency - when they love what they are doing learning happens.
THE OUTCOME: In the child's own time, without frustration and loss of self-esteem, we see children blossom and show everyone their unique talents and view of the world.